When a child or young person experiences exploitation, one of the ways in which this can first be noticed can be when their behaviour changes. When your Child’s behaviour changes or is ‘out of character’ it can be difficult to understand and know what to do. We have put together some information about why these changes may have happened, what this might look like and some of the things you can do to support them.
The brain reacts to ‘toxic stress’ that the child has suffered. It can sometimes be called a ‘threat’ response or a ‘panic alarm’ response. The body has gone into survival mode.
Although upsetting, challenging, frustrating, worrying and possibly overwhelming for the adults around them, these reactions are natural and normal. They are the brains safety mechanisms that helps it manage the trauma they have experienced. This is the reason they may appear to be acting different or behaving in new ways.
These responses to trauma do not naturally just ‘turn off’ once the abuse has stopped, young people stay continuously in survival mode. This means that normal every-day things such as certain events, sounds, smells, sights, places, people and sensations can signal danger to their brain which can lead them to become emotionally overwhelmed, causing some of these challenging behaviours.
Often without even realising it, young people may also change their behaviour to avoid certain events or cope with them for example they may begin bullying other children to avoid forming friendships.
This heightened stress and survival mode can also effect the body physically, hence why sometimes we see young people who have experienced trauma have continual headaches or digestive problems.
Below is a list of just some of the behaviours that you may notice and a few ideas around what you can do at home to support your child/children.
There are things that you can do at home which you can do every day which aren’t ‘big tasks’ but they create consistency and help young people know they’re safe and loved.
One of the most important things you can do is to ask for help yourself. If you want to find out what support is available in your area you can contact us.